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since 1987 in Red Sea ~ seit 1987 im Rotes Meer | 25-years anniversery of diving center   25-jähriges Jubiläum auf Tauchcentrumsince 1987 in Red Sea ~ seit 1987 im Rotes Meer | 25-years anniversery of diving center   25-jähriges Jubiläum auf Tauchcentrum| since 1987 in Red Sea ~ seit 1987 im Rotes Meer | 25-years anniversery of diving center   25-jähriges Jubiläum auf Tauchcentrum| since 1987 in Red Sea ~ seit 1987 im Rotes Meer | 25-years anniversery of diving center   25-jähriges Jubiläum auf Tauchcentrum| since 1987 in Red Sea ~ seit 1987 im Rotes Meer | 25-years anniversery of diving center   25-jähriges Jubiläum auf Tauchcentrum NEW roof terrace in the diving center NEW roof terrace in the diving center NEW roof terrace in the diving center NEW - roof terrace in the diving center | NEW - roof terrace in the diving center | 2nd place for New SON BIJOU Diving Center in Hurghada, Ratings on July 7, 2011 check for more info under About Us/ News  |  NEW roof terrace in the diving center | 2nd place for New SON BIJOU Diving Center in HurghadaRatings on July 7, 2011 check for more info under About Us/ News | NEW - roof terrace in the diving center | NEW - roof terrace in the diving center
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Hurghada Info
  • Emil Karath
    Professional team, friendly staff, delicious food. They took us to good dive sites with professional dive guides. Hope to dive together again soon.
    4/22/2023 8:48:08 AM
  • Bettina Krohn
    Super fantastic diving center in Hurghada Review of New Son Bijou Diving Center. Super fantastic diving center. Took the deep dive cource, had an outside instructor competent, who had his 40th anniversary as a diver. It is always a pleasure to be on Bijou's boat. The chef makes super nice food. The crew are very helpful and always in a good mood. Lidija responsible for booking is quick with an answer if there are questions regarding. courses and prices. I dived with various guides and I got to see a lot. Felt pressure and in good hands on all my dives. An all-through super diving center I can clearly recommend. Thanks for a great week New Son Bijou. See you in February Date of Experience: October 2019 Super fantastisk dykkercenter i Hurghada Anmeldelse af New Son Bijou Diving Center Afventer anmeldelse Super fantastisk dykkercenter. Tog deep dive cource, havde en yders kompetent instruktør, der havde 40 års jubilæum som dykker. Det er altid en fornøjelse at være på Bijous båd. Kokken laver super dejlig mad. Besætningen er meget hjælpsomme og altid i godt humør. Lidija der står for booking er hurtig med et svar, hvis der er spørgsmål vedr. kurser og priser. Jeg dykkede med forskellige guider og jeg fik set en masse. Følte mig tryk og i gode hænder på alle mine dyk. Et helt igennem super dykkercenter jeg klart kan anbefale. Tak for en fantastisk uge New Son Bijou. Vi ses i febuar️ Dato for oplevelse: oktober 2019
    10/20/2019 11:07:38 AM
  • Gintaras Gudziunas
    I love New Son Bijou, this wonderful family Diving Center and the people who care about him.
    4/4/2018 2:45:33 AM
  • Nigel Stroud
    Llwchwr Sub Aqua club had a great time in November 2017, the club booked a week of diving and the centre made us feel welcome. All the guys on the boat, just FAB. We are looking at booking again next year when the Christmas club events are over... Thanks again for a great week.. Nigel Club Chairman.
    12/3/2017 3:34:37 AM
  • craig trousdale
    hope to see you in october for my first time diving in Hurghada.
    8/28/2016 2:50:33 PM
  • Mia og Pia Thrige
    TO be honest...I dont how many times my daughter and I have been going on diving trips with you Guys at Son Bijou.. but it many times :D Mia is Rescue diver - only 14 years old- Im Open Water - will be Advanced in November 2016. Thanks Ahmed for all the amazing adventures Under Water. We will keep coming back...year after year after year..:D
    7/20/2016 11:31:24 PM
  • Louise & Bettina from Denmark
    My girlfriend and I had two amasing weeks with NSB in late April 2016. The diving is done very professionally and they focus a lot upon each guest's special requests and comfort - one day the boat was a bit crowded, and another boat was quickly arranged for to give each diver more space. If you're a new diver, or if it's been a long time since last dive, Ahmed is very good at taking it slow, to make sure you feel comfortable. And then they arrange for Egyptian breakfast every morning - NICE falafel, thanx Ahmed 😉 Apart from the diving you can count on getting help with almost everything on your holiday. Lidija glues it all together at the office. Great job😊 All of the fantastic staff do their best to make you feel welcome, comfortable, enjoy your diving MAX and just give you that "fantastic-holiday-feeling". I can only recommend this divecenter. And we'll definitely come back! Louise - SDI divemaster
    6/24/2016 8:30:44 AM
  • huygens jean-marie
    good dive center go to nice place tres bon centre va sur de tres beaux sites bonne equipe et recommande le centre
    5/24/2016 3:26:38 AM
  • Mark Vagn Hansen
    The best divingcenter in egypt
    5/16/2016 3:19:21 AM
    Un grand merci pour la semaine du 23/11 au 28/11/2015 superbe plongee equipe au top Hamed son epouse et le petit Adam tous tres sympa ,j'ai hate de retourner novembre 2016 .je recommande ce centre .Merci djamel
    1/6/2016 4:00:06 AM
  • Marianne from Belgium Brussel
    1er séjour en Egypte et 1ère initiation plongée bouteille. MERCI d'avoir oté mon stress par les explications claires, par les consignes de sécurité. Un plongeur confirmé pour une personne qui teste, qui s'initie. TOUT est mis en oeuvre pour que la sécurité soit optimale, pour que cette initiation se passe dans les meilleures conditions, pour que cette 1ère fois ne soit pas la dernière. Journée du 27/08/2015
    9/15/2015 1:20:16 PM
  • Kari Elise Jørgensen
    We have now been with New Son Bijou 4 times since our first meeting in August 2014. My husband got his Advance and I got both Open water and Advance. We will be back again end june, and hopefully again and again. Lidija and Ahmed tks for another lovely time in the Red Sea with you and your crew :) If you want a divingcenter that feels safe, you like to get new friends from all over the world, this is the place. And their Facebookpage is followed nearly everyday from back home just to look forward to our next trip :)
    4/5/2015 10:43:50 PM
  • Kari Elise Jørgensen
    We have now been with New Son Bijou 4 times since our first meeting in August 2014. My husband got his Advance and I got both Open water and Advance. We will be back again end june, and hopefully again and again. Lidija and Ahmed tks for another lovely time in the Red Sea with you and your crew :) If you want a divingcenter that feels safe, you like to get new friends from all over the world, this is the place. And their Facebookpage is followed nearly everyday from back home just to look forward to our next trip :)
    4/5/2015 10:43:20 PM
  • Vesna Vujinovic from Serbia
    I just came back from a week of diving in Hurgada. New Son Bijou diving center was amazing. They are friendly, professional and take care of divers. Service was above expectation, for recomendation. Ahmed, Lidija and the rest of the team was excellent, helpful and fun. Their little son Adam is adorable :) Looking forward to dive with them in a future.
    12/15/2014 10:06:20 AM
  • Kari Elise Jørgensen
    We have been in Hurghada 2-4 times a year since 2008, my husband dives and I have several times been thinking about taking the courses, but it has been just one introdive and the rest snorkeling. I am shore we have found our divingcenter now and I am shore we will use New Son Bijou for all futhure boatrips and divingtrips in Hurghada. I will for shore take my course one day, and it will be in this diving senter. Apllaude for no high music and the possibility to just enjoy the time at the sea and for those who was diving, the possibility to sleep after the first dive. Such a good feeling for safty and welcome, we just loved Adam the little son. Good food, and this is the first time we have been offered breakfast aboard. I will tell all my friends and people that are going to Hurghada to use your company for shore:) Hope to enjoy a new trip in october :)
    8/16/2014 9:38:41 PM
  • Heiko
    Hallo ihr Lieben! Wir sind nächste Woche wieder bei Euch und wir freuen uns sehr Euch wieder zu sehnen! Ahmed soll schon mal die Flaschen füllen denn ich werde mein PADI ADVANCED COURSE dann machen! Viele Liebe Grüße Heiko
    7/21/2014 6:33:14 AM
  • Carlos Cardoso
    To all the divers around the world.This is the best divecenter in Egypt.I have been diving with New Son Bijoi Diving Center 2 times now.April 2014 and June 2014 I can highly recommend them 10000000000%.What a team woooaauuu.Ahmed ,Ladija and Khaled the whole team its amazing ,you can feel its like a family.Its fun to dive with Son bijou.Amazing dives dolphins,turtles, sharks the biggest moreen I even seen at little gifton.For sure I will return for me the best divecenter in the world.Thanks to the whole team. Best regards carlos cardoso from Denmark
    6/18/2014 11:48:41 PM
  • Rune & Christina
    We have been diving with New Son Bijou Diving Center for about 6 years now, and we highly recommend it. We feel safe and we have fun. Ahmed, Lidia, Khaled and the others, make each diving trip a fun experience for the whole family. Thanks to the Son Bijou family for a great time with dolphins, turtles and so much moore, both in Hurghada and in Marsa Alam.
    4/20/2014 11:17:02 AM
  • Carolina
    Hello I am looking to rent a boat for 35 people, we would like to cross from Hurghada to Sharm el sheikh   make this service? Know someone who does? thank you Carolina
    1/9/2014 6:38:53 AM
  • Salam Aljawahiri
    Thanks Ahmed en Hyder for the time we spend together....sure we will meet again for the Padi advance ..our regards to all
    1/7/2014 12:19:35 PM
  • Sabine
    Komme gerade aus meinem dritten Urlaub in diesem Jahr im NEW SON BIJOU DIVING CENTER zurück. Mit meinem neuen PADI-Tauchscheinen in der Tasche. Habe in den vergangenen 3 1/2 Wochen den Advance Open Water, ERF und RESCUE-Diver gemacht!!!! WOW - war das ein Erlebnis! Wie immer wurde ich professionell und umfassend betreut und geschult während meiner Tauchkurse. Die Unterweisungen und praktischen Übungen unter Wasser und an Land wurden sehr umfassend und professionell durchgeführt. Ich habe dann selbst noch die Theorie lernen müssen, um die schriftliche Prüfung abzulegen. Hervorzuheben ist dabei, dass ich sämtliches Lehrmaterial sowie auch die Prüfung in deutscher Sprache zur Verfügung gestellt bekam. Ahmed Bijou und seine Frau Lidija legen großen Wert darauf, den Studenten der Tauchschule das Lernen der Theorie so angenehm wie möglich zu gestalten. Vielen Herzlichen Dank dafür an euch!!!! Ansonsten war es wieder mal ein fantastischer Aufenthalt in der Tauchschule. Wie immer konnte ich mein bereits mehrfach gebuchtes Appartement beziehen und mich dort wieder sehr wohl fühlen. Die Tauchausflüge ließen auch wie immer nichts zu wünschen übrig und in diesem Urlaub hatte ich die unglaubliche Gelegenheit meinen größten Wunsch erfüllt zu bekommen: Tauchen mit Delphinen!!! Was war das für ein Erlebnis!!! UNBESCHREIBLICH!!! Ich lade mal Fotos hoch, damit jeder der interessiert ist daran teilhaben kann. Damit will ich allen sagen: Rotes Meer und NEW SON BIJOU DIVING CENTER sind das BESTE was ihr für euren Urlaub buchen könnt. Ein familiengeführtes Tauchcenter mit aufmerksamer Betreuung, abwechslungsreiche Bootsausflüge mit Fun, gutem Essen und toller Betreuung. Was will man mehr? Bitte auch nicht vergessen, Kinder sind immer willkommen und werden ebenso wunderbar betreut wie jede/r Erwachsene. Natürlich ist man als Single auch jederzeit sicher und behütet dort. Also - Urlaub buchen im NEW SON BIJOU DIVING CENTER und eine wunderbare, erlebnisreiche und funny Zeit erleben!!!
    11/10/2013 1:14:37 AM
  • Hello from Spain :)
    Great place to choose for your diving. I started my first steps into diving with New Son Bijou Diving Center and make it up to PADI Divemaster. The experience, honesty, humor and hospitality is always top notch. You feel secure in the water with them and they work with you almost one on one and not in big groups. If you want personal customer service, family atmosphere, enjoy mix international company of divers (from Australia, South Africa, USA to UK, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, France, Spain...), professional Instructors, amazing diving then New Son Bijou Diving Center is your right choose! Lidija, Ahmed, Khaled and the rest of the team with their own characters contribute to the vibe and feeling of this diving center. In their company diving is so much more enjoyable with lots of fun, but safety is always priority! I would highly recommended New Son Bijou Diving Center for both newbies & experienced divers. See you soon ;-)
    3/8/2013 2:13:21 PM
  • Jack & Linda from Australia
    New Son Bijou Diving Center is everything you could wish for in a dive shop. Friendly, professional and above all, SAFE! We just returned from Hurghada with a 8 dive package. Ahmed, Lidija and the rest of the team was excellent, helpful, fun and well prepared. They looked after us really well! We had a completely new equipment, and they were very organised and flexible about the dives. Ahmed, diving Instructor and our guide was enthusiastic, went the extra mile to make our dives memorable and were a joy to dive him. He made fantastic photos and at the end of vacation he gave as a DVD with all amazing photos and videos for a small fee. Pick up time from hotel was on time each time. If you are travelling to Hurghada go to New Son Bijou Diving Center, we highly recommend. They are totally brilliant! Would we go again? You bet! We started saving already....
    11/30/2012 5:17:20 AM
  • Peter, Philip, Andreas
    Me & my friends had another wonderful diving week with Ahmed and Lidija, in fact everyone we dealt from staff in dive centre to boat crew was so friendly, helpful, professional, pleasant and accommodating again. Diving as usually was in small, well organised groups (during our vacation they made 2 groups of divers, experienced in one and beginners in second, so all divers enjoyed their dive to maximum!) with the best Instructor Ahmed who knows Red Sea like his 2nd home! On a daily basis we were changing dive sites, so we dove with dolphins, turtles, eagle rays, whale shark also!!! Dives were not limited by time but consumption of air, so we experienced divers did 80 minutes and more long dives. Boat is never overcrowded and lots of space to chill out on the sun deck! Package price for diving and accommodation in the dive centre you can not beat - veeeery competitive prices!!! Apartments in the dive centre are spacious, clean, well equipped, roof terrace in the dive centre is a great spot to socialise and meet other divers. During our vacation we met new fellow divers from USA, UK, Denmark, Australia, Norway, Switzerland, France, etc. we had great time together diving and in the evenings - divers nights out! Everyone made us feel so welcome, with Ahmed and Lidija you feel you belong to their family. If you intend to go diving in Hurghada and want a safe environment, good diving and fun then look no further than New Son Bijou Diving Center! See you in March :)
    11/22/2012 3:00:46 PM
  • Cecile, Franck (FRANCE)
    Nous sommes partis en voyage en novembre avec nos 2 enfants à Hurghada. Beaucoup nous avait dit surtout de faire de la plongée car c'est magnifique. Grâce à une amie commun nous avions une adresse d'un centre de plongée qui étatit donc "nex son bijou diving center". Tout s'est très bien passés. Nous vous recommandons sans problème ce centre que vous soyez débutants ou confirmés. L'accueil est irréprochable avec transfert de l'hotel au centre et repas pour le midi. Si vous avez des enfants, allez-y sans hésitation, sérieux et sécurité à bord du bateau. merci pour nous avoir fait partager ce moment qui pour nous était une première.!! Tous les moniteurs vous mettent en confiance. A bientôt j'éspère.
    11/22/2012 5:06:49 AM
  • Heidkamp, Ferdi
    Wir tauchen schon seit 17 Jahren mit Ahmed. es gibt keine familiärere Tauchschule in Hurghada. Ahmed und Lydia gehen immer auf alle Wünsche der Taucher ein. Es ist daher nicht ungewöhnlich das man sich einer Delfingruppe nähert und dann, wenn die Tiere gut drauf sind mit ihnen taucht. Das habe ich bisher in keiner anderen Hurghada-Tauchschule erlebt oder gehört. Ahmed geht auch auf jede Frage oder Probleme von Schnorchlern oder Tauchern ein. Es ist einfach genial und wir freuen uns schon wieder auf den nächsten Tauchurlaub bei den beiden im New- Bijou-Center. Bis dahin Moni, Annika und Ferdi
    11/13/2012 9:07:13 AM
  • Siggi und Harald
    Vielen Dank ihr Lieben alle für diesen wunderschönen und erlebnisreichen Urlaub, den wir mir euch verbringen durften. Es hat uns sehr viel Spaß und Freunde gemacht mit euch nun zum wiederholtem Male zu tauchen. Besonders der Walhai und die Delfine waren absoluite Highlights!! Wir werden deshalb im nächten Jahr wieder zu euch kommen, aber erst im Oktober. Vorher müssen wir im Februar Thailand checken. Euch bis dahin alles erdenklich Gute und besonders Gesundheit!!! Liebe Grüße an alle die uns kennen!!!
    11/10/2012 2:15:18 AM
  • اشرف
    انا فى قمة سعاداتى اننى تعرفت عليكم وسكنت عندكم وغطست مع الجوهرة احمد وانا من البدو واول مرة فى حياتى البالغة37 عام اغطس ولم اكن خائف لان الله معى اولا ثم احمد بيجو وخالد ثانيا ولابد ان اشكر زوجة احمد على حسن وكرم الاستقبال واخيرا انها كانت رحلة مع احمد بيجو فى عرض البحر من اروع ما يكون اخوكم اشرف الربيعى
    11/2/2012 4:47:42 PM
  • Phil, Alex (Belgium)
    En août dernier j’étais en vacances au Club Med d’El Gouna (35 km d’Hurghada) avec ma femme et mon fils de 15 ans. Mon fils et moi pratiquons la plongée sous-marine et étant au bord de la mer Rouge, il fallait qu’on aille sous l’eau ;-). Nous avons donc, en toute logique, été voir ce que proposait le centre de plongée du Club Med (Indépendant du Club Med). Rien à redire sur la qualité de l’accueil, la seule chose que je trouvais un peu excessive était les prix +/- 90€ pour 2 plongées bateau si vous n’avez pas votre propre équipement. C’est alors que j’ai pris contact avec Ahmed, le patron du « Son Bijou Diving Center » que je connaissais de précédentes visites en Egypte. Celui-ci nous a proposé 2 plongées bateau pour 35€ équipement, repas et boissons compris. Il a aussi organisé notre transfert depuis El Gouna et retour pour 100 EGP (environ 13€). Je connaissais déjà l’accueil d’Ahmed et de son équipe et une fois de plus tout fut parfait et sans surprise. Un conseil : si vous êtes à Hurghada ou dans les parages, que vous soyez débutant, confirmé ou si vous voulez faire un essai ne manquez surtout pas le « Son Bijou Diving Center », ambiance et sérieux garanti. De plus, si vous êtes vraiment accro, le centre dispose aussi d’appartements à des prix défiant toute concurrence. Phil & Alex
    10/9/2012 12:38:20 PM
  • Emma, Spain
    This was my 10th visit to New Son Bijou Diving Center. Few years I go when I came first time to Hurghada was scared (single woman in muslim country), but after meeting Lidija and Ahmed who are one of the best people I have met, friendly, open-minded, funny and caring...New Son Bijou Diving Center is my second home! I always book apartment in the diving center, they are big, spacious, clean, fully furnished with good location (beach is across the street, shop & laundry 3m aways, night life 5 min away). Each time diving with Ahmed and Lidija I meet new divers from all over the world, meet new dive buddies and have good time. I never felt alone or uncomfortable, Ahmed and Lidija help you with everything. New Son Bijou Diving Center is perfect for everybody also for big groups or families with children! If you want adventure holiday, excellent dive guides, professional service, good equipment, best prices and fun book with Lidija and Ahmed today! See you soon
    9/23/2012 4:09:41 PM
  • Nurek - instructor
    Hello :) best regreads from Poland! Diver Shop Team - http://sklep-nurkowy.pl
    9/14/2012 6:45:32 AM
  • Sarah Buffer (UK)
    New Son Bijou Diving Centre offers exceptional service at a great value in a fun environment, highly competitive rates on diving and courses as well as exceptional service and safety standards. New Son Bijou is extremely flexible in fitting in with your requirements regarding diving, trips to Luxor,... Dive equipment is all well maintained and in good order. Dive groups are small (divers are put together in a group regarding their experience level), not more than 4 person per guide! New Son Bijou caters for all levels of divers, here is possible to have dives long as 80 minutes, no problem. The instructors Ahmed, Hedar and dive team are friendly, the boat crews are fun and they maintain a safe but fun atmosphere on the boat. This diving centre is perfect for families with children to go diving or snorkeling, Everything from the moment we booked our dives to leaving the boat on the last day was impeccable. We thoroughly recommend booking with New Son Bijou Diving Center the best dive shop, dive center, dive operator in Hurghada. Can’t wait to dive with you again in October :)))
    8/15/2012 1:17:49 PM
  • Morgan
    Diving in Red Sea is the highlight of my vacation in Hurghada. I was really nervous about diving, never dove before, but due to Ahmed and Lidija, their relaxed way, they assured me and I tried diving - Introduction dive. What a luck, first time diving in Red Sea and I was diving with group of dolphins very close, a dream came true!!! Next day I did one more Introduction dive, it was great, we were surrounded with thousand of fishes, saw octopus,... I also went to trip to Marsa Alam, but only snorkeling, because I had problems with ears, but I saw big turtles 10 cm away from me, fantastic. New Son Bijou is good well run diving shop with professional, enthusiastic dive team speaking English, German, Slovenian, Croatian who work efficiently and remember your name, will take time to chat or hang out with you in the evening. I will come back for more diving in amazing Red Sea with the best people, Lidija & Ahmed. Thank you for all, especially the dive with dolphins!
    8/9/2012 4:57:21 AM
  • Sonia, John and Noah
    It was a amazing experience diving with my son. Thanks to Ahmed en Lidja. We saw dolphins and fish I never knew they excist. Ahmed, Lidja and Khaled are wonderfull kind people like we know them for years. We are happy to know them and will return for diving with them.
    7/27/2012 6:12:44 AM
  • Nikki (UK)
    Dolphins or turtles everyday! This is the best dive centre in Hurghada...Lidija, Ahmed & Khaled & the whole crew are exceptionally welcoming to everyone from pre-schoolers to Granny! Ahmed shares years of experience as he reassures complete beginners with mastery instruction...whilst effortlessly finding amazing marine life to keep the most experienced diver enthralled...coupled with a captain who really knows his stuff & crew that cook a good lunch...what more could you possible want? Well maybe just to know that these guys will accommodate special requests wherever possible...trips to Dolphin House, or seeing the rays, guitar shark and giant turtles at Marsa Alam, (maybe even sea cow too if you are lucky!), wreck diving,night diving, sea fishing (& cooked for you on board!!). Enjoy!
    7/24/2012 1:37:02 PM
  • Tanja & children
    Searching on the internet we found New Son Bijou Diving Center and after exchanging mails with few other dive centers in Hurghada, we have decided to go diving with New Son Bijou! THE BEST choose!!! It was totally awesome experience, Ahmed and Lidija love children and children love them. They will accept you like a family and take care of everything, from fun on the boat, great atmosphere, diving in small groups, private boat with loads of free space on the sun deck! No massive tourism and the best of all, no over crowded boats! These are all the reasons why we can recommend New Son Bijou to everybody, especially if you have children, no need to look elsewhere! Children will be in safe hands! Our children are age 12 and 14 years old and after introduction dive with Ahmed they also decided to do diving course. Children had private diving lessons for no extra charge! Thank you Ahmed & Lidija for passing your passion for diving to us and our children. We fall in love with diving and Red Sea due to New Son Bijou dive team. We will be back soon!
    7/22/2012 10:26:47 AM
  • Phyllis and amanda Walsh
    Thank you ahmed,Lidija and crew for making erin's 5th birthday so very special,the boat trip was amazing.not forgetting the cake and all the lovely food. Hopefully see you all again next year. Love from a very grateful nana (Phyllis)
    7/6/2012 6:08:50 AM
  • greetings from Norway
    Amazing diving, all inclusive service, small diving groups, excellent diving gear, diverse dive sites, experienced dive guides, all on professional level! We dove and stayed in the apartment in the diving center for 2 weeks. As always, it was fantastic and ALL INCLUSIVE service from diving to transfer to food, entertainment and lots of fun! New Son Bijou is for anyone looking for professional, safe, fun diving and want to avoid overcrowded boats and massive tourism!!! With New Son Bijou you will feel in safe hands! We can't wait to come in December :)))
    6/15/2012 3:19:02 AM
  • Andreas & Linda (Zurich, Switzerland)
    We stayed and dove with New Son Bijou for 10 days. This was more than an "all included" stay and amazing time. From the beginning we felt like among good friends. Lidija, Ahmed and the team do an amazing job. The diving is great, they always try to make it special and really pay attention to every guest and try to satisfy every wish. The boat is never full, we had days with only 3 divers on the boat! The tanks are generously filled, equipment is well maintained, and underwater they try to make something nice and unforgettable out of every single dive. The apartments are fully equipped and with air conditioning. Every day after diving we went out for a nice dinner and had a lot of fun together. Our next stay in Hurghada will be definitely with our new friends New Son Bijou diving center.
    6/5/2012 3:26:46 PM
  • Holland sisters :)
    Ik bezoek Son Bijou Divingcentre al jaren. Het is erg gezellig en iedereen is welkom. Ik durf met recht te zeggen dat Ahmed een van de beste duikinstructeurs is. Veiligheid staat bij hem en zijn team voorop. Bij deze duikschool draait het niet om geld maar ze willen hun gasten het mooiste van de rode zee en Egypte laten zien. Ahmed kan je meenemen naar de beste/leukste restaurants waar je heerlijk kunt eten. Je voelt je al snel deel van de familie. Echt een aanrader dus.
    6/4/2012 2:44:04 PM
  • Gerry from Germany
    Ich komme seit 10 Jahren ins Diving Center Bijou und ich bin jedes Mal aufs Neue begeistert. Location, Equipment, Staff und Räumlichkeiten sind einfach super. Für mich ist das immer wie nach Hause kommen. Ahmed und Lidija sind tolle Gastgeber und ausgezeichnet '"Unterwasser-Führer". Ich fühle mich gut aufgehoben und sicher. Es wird immer versucht, interessante und nicht zu ´überlaufende Tauchspots anzufahren. Die Aufenthalt auf denTauchbooten vergeht wie im Flug, man kommt noch nicht mal zum Lesen. Die Tauchgruppen sind klein und überschaubar. Dieses Jahr habe ich einen super vorbereiteten Tauchtag in Marsa Alam verbracht, muss man unbedingt machen, die Riesenschildkröten sind einfach whoooo!! Ich freue mich schon auf das nächste Mal, denn irgendetwas Besonderes haben Ahmed und Lidija immer in petto.
    6/4/2012 2:12:50 PM
  • Steffan from Germany
    Es sind wirklich die Besten! Warum? 1. Wie waren an 5 von 6 Tagen mit max. 4 anderen Tauchern unterwegs, also exzellente Betreuung (wie wichtig das ist, merkt ihr, wenn man neben einem anderen Boot mit 30 Leuten drauf vor Anker geht)! 2. Familiäre, schon freundschaftliche Atmosphäre mit ALLEN, von Tauchlehrer Ahmed bis zum "Pirat" Maffhia (so ähnlich, weiss aber nicht genau wie man seinen Namen schreibt) 3. Lockeres, aber trotzdem professionelles Tauchen 4. Jahrelange Stammkunden, die wir selbst getroffen haben (das hat uns als Neukunden dieses Jahr von Bijou überzeugt) 5. Sehr gutes, selbst gekochtes ägyptisches Essen an Bord (im Preis drin) 6. Günstige Preise und trotzdem keine Abzockermentalität, wie das sonst ja ab und zu in Ägypten vorkommen soll. Wenn Ihr in Hurghada tauchen wollt, geht da hin!!
    6/4/2012 2:11:34 PM
  • Susanne
    Just found this new Homepage. Congratulations to the team and good luck :-)
    6/1/2012 8:23:42 AM
  • Mia from Denmark
    Hvis du/i overvejer en tur til Hurghada i Egypten - Planlægger at dykke eller snorkle - Så kontakt en af byens bedste firmaer: New SON BIJOU divingcenter- Snak med ejeren Ahmed Bijou!!! Jeg har været med ham mange gange og har altid haft en super oplevelse :-)
    5/27/2012 10:51:14 AM
  • Maria from UK
    You guys are THE BEST. Thank you for fantastic diving with dolphins, turtles, group of eagle rays,BBQ on the boat....we will definately recommend you. Wishing you all the best and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you Lidija and Ahmed
    5/6/2012 12:21:19 PM
  • Hello from Denmark :)
    A Must Try If you are in Hurghada. Very relaxing, fun and expirienced Instructors, Divemasters. Scuba diving in Hurghada is a beautiful way to discover amazing Red Sea and with this guys you can do it every day like we did and you will still want more :) Me and my friends had the time of our life, our dreams diving with dolphins come true thanks to New Son Bijou Diving Center!!! This diving center has all what you want from a professional diving center: safety, experience, excellent equipment, great & fun diving, friendliness, but what we liked the most was the feeling that they accepted us in the New Son Bijou family :))) Thank you for a great time dear friends. We see you soon ;))))
    4/13/2012 9:18:23 AM
  • Jens - Deutschland
    Auf Basis der Bewertungen hier habe ich mich kurzfristig für einen Tauchurlaub bei Son Bijou entschieden - gegen den Massentourismus. Dabei habe ich auch die angebotenen Appartments genutzt, welche vom Standard vollkommen ausreichend sind: großzügig geschnitten, Küche, Bad, zwei Schlafräume, TV mit Sat inkl. Klima - und alles zu einem unschlagbaren Preis! Die Tauchausflüge sind immer durchorganisiert und Ziele werden je nach Bootaufkommen an den Tauchplätzen ausgerichtet, so dass man kaum auf andere Gruppen stößt - Ahmed hat da wirklich ein Händchen für! Ich kann das Team uneingeschränkt empfehlen, jeder ist hilfsbereit und das Gesamtpaket ist großartig!!
    4/12/2012 1:40:41 PM
  • Sasha, Ralf, Andrea
    Thank you for amazing diving holidays. We were diving with dolphins couple of time :))))) turtles, eagl rays,...New Son Bijou diving center takes care for everything, they are very well organised & on time! friendly, professional, always look on safety and we had tons of fun with them as always. Ahmed and Lidiya helped us with everything and make our vacation unforgetable again. We loved the BBQ on the roof terrace in the diving center! If you wanna dive and have great time go to this wonderful diving center. With this guys everything is possible. We are diving long time with them and we keep coming back and back. See you soon, because somebody has a birthday soon :))))
    4/8/2012 5:35:21 AM
  • neale & coral harrison
    spent 5 days with Ahmed and Lydija in March this year - passed Open Water Padi Course with their help - very friendly and helpfull couple a joy to be around both in and out of the water - cant wait to get back
    4/7/2012 11:38:45 AM
  • neale & coral harrison
    spent 5 days with Ahmed and Lydija in March this year - passed Open Water Padi Course with their help - very friendly and helpfull couple a joy to be around both in and out of the water - cant wait to get back
    4/7/2012 11:38:45 AM
  • Siggi und Harald aus Deutschland
    Vielen Dank euch nochmal für die schöne Zeit im Februar 2012. Wir sind noch immmer im Gedanken bei euch und haben schon wieder Fernweh. Deshalb haben wir uns entschlossen im Oktober für zwei Wochen nach Hurghada zu fliegen. Wir freuen uns schon wieder auf eure professionelle und freundliche Betreuung und hoffen auf schöne Ausflüge!!! Alles Gute für Lydija, Ahmed und das gesamte Team bis dahin! Bleibt so wie ihr seit; es paßt einfach so!!!!
    4/1/2012 12:48:24 AM
  • Seif
    My experience with diving started about 16 years ago together with New Son Bijou in Hurghada . Since that time Im diving with Bijou family several times a year. The reason why I keep coming back to this place is that I can find incredible atmosthere, very proffessional service of the whole Bijou team, and the most important - diving which I cant forget! even after 16 years diving, every time I go there Bijou is making sure Im diving in new places. Last time he took me to Marsa Alam where I dived with huge turtles, sharks and big rays. If anybody is searching for amazing underwater experience, hoping for nice and safe company this diving center is perfect. I did recommanded it to my friends from Germany, England, Poland, or Egypt. Every diver was happy and many of them are keep coming back. big thanks for Bijou family...... :)
    3/29/2012 11:41:58 PM
  • Mario from Croatia
    I took the PADI Advanced Open Water course and stayed in the apartment at their center and had five amazing dives. Unfortunately I stayed for three days only :(. They picked me up from the bus station even though the bus was one hour late and the last day they also drove me back to the bus. This was really nice since I was travelling alone. I left early in the morning and didn't get to say a proper good bye but, hopefully, I will visit New Son Boiju Diving Center again. I felt very safe and comfortable with my instructor and the equipment. The diving sites we went to were great. The New Son Bijou team is veeery easy-going and sociable, you will enjoy hanging out with them - from having dinner to smoking shisha and relaxing before bedtime. I forgot the CD with my photos but Lidija and Ahmed sent it to me anyway. Thank you!! The apartment I rented is on the first floor of the center. It's quite spacious - two bedrooms (four beds), bathroom and a big kitchen with the dining area. There were already fresh cookies, coffee, tea and other drinks - a really nice welcome. :) There's also a terrace if you want to chill out in the evening. The price of both the course and the apartment was exactly as it says on their website and there were absolutely no hidden costs. Lidija and Ahmed, thanks once more for everything. :)
    3/12/2012 10:07:33 AM
  • Katjuša
    I just came back home from Hurghada and I think it's almost my duty to tell everyone how great vacation I had... At first I was a little scared of going there alone but as soon as I got there all my fears melt away because everything was just PERFECT!!! I have rented an apartment in their diving center for a week and was more than happy with apartment! Apartment is spacious with 2 bedrooms, fully equipped kitchen, WC & shower, big reception with TV. In the diving center they also have free wireless internet. Most of the time I have spent up on their roof terrace in which I fall in love. Fantastic place for coffee time, breakfast, reading books,...I also did my diving with them, I had introduction dives and it was fantastic. I had new BCD and diving suit, equipment was very good and this also helped me to feel more safe and relaxed underwater. They showed me how diving equipment works, explain to me how you clean your mask, where we will dive, how I have to behave underwater (equalising, don't touch corals,....) they really took care for safety at all time! I was diving hand in hand with the Instructor and it was fantastic. Diving in Red Sea is really the best, amazing! I can't wait to do more dives next time I come back. If I would have more time I would do also diving course with them, but I did my introduction dive at the end of vacation. Ahmed and Lidija made it special week, which I will never forget. They showed me good restaurants with excellent local food for very little money and they also invited me to home made Egyptian food in the diving center, delicious. They also help me and organised a dessert safari with 4x4 quad, another fantastic experience for very low price! The whole week they really take care of me and I can only highly recommend this diving center. If you want personal touch, friendly but professional service, safety and good time then you are on the right place. We will definitely see us again very soon :)!!!
    3/11/2012 1:02:23 PM
  • familia Alvarez
    My family (wife & 2 daughters: 13 years, 16 years) and me were diving with them 8 days, it was incredible. At the end of vacation we flew home with 3 new Open Water certificates & 1 Advance certificate :) I'm very happy, because the whole family is now diving and we are having great time also under the water. If you want amazing & safe diving, personal approach, good diving gear and don't like crowded big diving companies go to family diving center New Son Bijou which we highly recommend! For my wife this was her first time diving, she was very scared, but when she did Introduction dive with Ahmed, fears disappeared. Ahmed was very patient with my wife, he took a lot of time for her, so my wife felt very safe and comfortable in the water. After Introduction dive with Ahmed she decided to do also Open water course together with our daughters - new chicken divers. The course was done only for my family, private lessions for no extra cost! I did my Advance course with them and we did some fantastis deep dives. We were all very happy with this diving center, they are professional, well organised and offer the best service. Instructors, guides, boat crew were very friendly and helpful. Since this was our first trip to Hurghada Ahmed helped us with tips for entertainment, good restaurants, shopping of course (a wife and 2 teenagers :), trip to the dessert, etc. Ahmed made very good offers and we saved a lot of money, because prices of trips in hotel are crazy. We also did a private tour to Luxor and was excellent. They really looked after any small detail and the whole trip was superb, from transfer to guide to hotel. Unfortunately, we run out of time for Cairo, because all family got addicted to diving :) We are already saving money for our next diving trip to Hurghada with you guys
    3/7/2012 2:17:46 PM
  • Dušan, Peter, Gregor, Andraž
    Živjo Lidija in Ahmed. Hvala za vse! Bila sta super, od organizacije, koordinacije, iskanja letalskih kart do namestitve v vašem potapljaškem centru (toplo priporočamo!), fantastičnih potapljanj v Hurghadi do ladijske razbitine Thistlegorm. Vsi dogovori so potekali po mailu in tudi, ko smo prispeli v Hurghado ni bilo nobenih presenečenj ali dodatnih stroškov, Lidija in Ahmed sta korektna, profesionalna, prijazna, vedno nasmejana, polna energije...Všeč nam je bilo, da sta bila mož besede, kar sta obljubila sta tudi naredila in še več! Dnevni potopi so bili super organizirani, vsak dan smo videli nekaj novega (od želv do delfinov), hrana na ladiji je dnevno sveže pripravljena in dobra, potapljaška oprema je kvalitetna in dobro servisirana. Če želite osebni pristop, kvaliteto, družinsko atmosfero, da vas strežejo od spredi in zadaj (to mi deli!!!) Potapljanje z njimi je ena A! Razkazala sta nam nočno življenje v Hurghadi, včasih smo šli skupaj ven, pa na kakšno šišo. Svetovala sta nam kje je dobra in poceni hrana, nekajkrat smo tudi skupaj jedli v potapljaškem centru, so pripravili okusno domačo egipčansko hrano, vse smo zmazal :)Cel paket je bil super in toplo priporočamo ta potapljaški center! Dodaten bonus je Lidija, Slovenka, ki je izredno lepo poskrbela za nas in nas razvajala, hvala še enkrat! Se vidimo kmalu! lp iz Slovenije, Dušan & Co.
    2/25/2012 2:25:50 AM
  • Paul & selena
    Just want to say a big thank you for your email this morning. We can't wait to meet you all around the 15th June, can't wait to get under the water! And yes we will defo go to masa alarm........ Speak soon, Paul & Selena
    1/8/2012 5:36:19 AM
  • Pharmg821
    Very nice site!
    12/20/2011 11:41:17 AM
  • Marita
    Thank you Lydia for making my first introdive sutch an amazing experience, and a BIG thank you to Ahmed, Lydia and ewrybody else for the hospitality. hope to see you soon :) Greetings from the Norwegians.
    11/25/2011 8:58:57 AM
  • greetings from Germany
    Me & my family & friends are diving with this diving center more than 10 years already & still returning year after year! We had again amazing dives with dolphins, turtles, enormus ray, electric ray! We will never forget big turtles & sea cow in Marsa Alam!!! WE DEFINITELY RECOMMEND New SON BIJOU Diving Center for diving in Hurghada! Great people, great dives! Everything is very well organized. Ahmed, Lidija, Khaled & the team takes good care of their guest all the time, they will help you any way they can (they helped us organizing trip to Luxor & Cairo). On their boat is always relaxed atmosphere, a lot of fun and they make diving really enjoyable & safe! The food on the board is freshly prepared every day. Captain Mohamed ala elephant is fantastic. They are very good at their job and they make you feel welcome. See you soon. yours Susan, Frank, Petra
    11/19/2011 6:56:20 AM
  • Sarah
    A very nice Diving Center:)
    11/12/2011 7:56:47 AM
  • Sunny Garrett (Sarah)
    This dive trip has to be at the top of the list for fun, friends and great views.. Aly had a good swim as well. Lunch buffet was excelent. All the staff makes you feel like family.. This is an adventure you REALLY don't want to miss. Thank you so much. Aly @ 00201223780646 introduced me to the dive center as well as many other wonderfull adventures in Egypt. Again, THANK YOU !!!
    11/4/2011 3:44:10 AM
  • Ronald
    Hi Ahmed, thank you again for making possible to dive with dolphins during Introduction dive, my dream came true. My first dive and I was diving with dolphins. I finished my PADI Open Water Course with them and after with my friends we did few days diving. We booked them through internet and are the cheapest diving center in Hurghada. Also PADI certificate is included in the diving course plus food and drinks on the boat. Don't worry, their diving equipment and Instructors are very good and also the boat. The best about them is diving in small groups and they really take time for their guest, on the boat, during the day and in the evenings. They also invited us on an Egyptian dinner in the diving center made by Ahmed and it was yummy! We are so happy with them that we are coming back in January. See you soon!
    11/3/2011 4:48:14 AM
  • Irene Gorriti
    Thank you very much for an amazing time. New Bijou Diving centre is truly something else. We had a lovely diving group (yeah, crazy belgiums, germans, polish and english), and enjoyed many hours on the boat, diving and of course Cacao! Ahmed, thank you very very much for a lovely time and we're counting down the days til we come back! Love, Irene and Andres
    10/15/2011 2:23:28 AM
  • Kerstin + Volker
    Gerade wieder in Deutschland und schon wieder Fernweh nach Hurghada. Unser 35. Urlaub in Hurghada war wieder einmal toll und unbeschreiblich schön! Die Tauchschule ist frisch gestrichen und wir haben eine tolle Gruppe gehabt. Korea, Niederlande, Schweden, Norwegen, Belgien - alles vertreten und wir haben eine unvergessliche Zeit miteinander verbringen dürfen! Ein großes dickes Lob an alle!
    10/13/2011 2:01:02 AM
  • Andreas Ohnesorge
    Did my PADI Open Water at "new sun bijou" made​​. It was a really wonderful time. From the beginning, it was felt to be in good hands. The trips were well organized and the seats were really nice. Its price is anything I can only say great. I can only recommend. And come back? In any case. Greetings from Berlin / Germany Andreas
    10/9/2011 9:48:04 AM
  • Monica, Sabine, Andrea
    This is the best diving center. Professional, safe, good prices & quality diving equipment/dive gear!!! We found them on the internet and were not sure how it will be, but was fantastic! We were diving many times with dolphins for 20 min or 30 minutes underwater! Ahmed and captain Mohammed know all the best places to dive with dolphins. One day we also went to Marsa Alam, this is a must dive trip!!! We were diving with huuuuuge turtles, a guitar shark and we also saw sea cow :))) We totally recommend this dive trip, worth the money! We made good photos from sea cow & huge turtles. Thank you for all! Lidiya, we will bring with us some sweets for you :) See you in November!
    9/23/2011 6:03:11 AM
  • Peter & mates from UK
    Thank you for our best diving experience in life, Red Sea & your dive centre are the best! Me & my friends were diving with this dive centre 2 weeks and we are all very happy to find you on the internet and can't wait to come back diving with you guys again!!! Not only that you are professional, you also always look on safety, at the same time you make diving fun & amazing experience. We loved daily dive trip to Marsa Alam and we're recommending it to all if you want to dive with giant turtles (in length more than 2 meters!), guitar shark & sea cow - yes, we were diving with dugong! Ahmed, you live for diving, you're diving more than 20 years and you know where are the best diving spots to dive with dolphins (Cheers mate! I still owe you a drink for dolphins.) You all take good care of your guest, divers that's why they are coming back. We met a diver who is diving more than 17 years already with them and still comes back each year. By the way, their motto is true, we met many wonderful new divers, friends now in the dive centre! and had tons of fun under & above water!!! It was a big pleasure to met you Ahmed, Lydia, captain Mohammed,.... Thank you for all. Take care! Looking forward to seeing you soon. Pete & co.
    9/16/2011 2:55:43 PM
  • Claire & Jeff
    Hi Ahmed & Lidija, thank you for fantastic diving experience with your dive centre. We never met so helpful and friendly instructors, guides, captain & boat crew. If you are going to Hurghada and dive use New Son Bijou Dive Centre!!! Me & my wife had fab time with you, you're well organised, professional and know all the best places to dive. It was our first time to dive with big group of dolphins, biiiig eagle ray, turtle...we will never forget this wonderful dive experience & for sure we are coming back and no doubt we will recommend your dive centre to all our friends. You do always an extra mile for your guest, after diving you always take time for your guest to look at diving photos & videos and giving your guest free coffee, tea, cola, water, fanta, snacks, fruits, etc. in the reception of your dive centre, I love enjoying this warm, cosy & comfortable place in the dive centre. You make us feel veeeeery welcome and after spending some great time under & above water you get a feeling you know this warm lovely couple for years. Keep on with good work! See all of you soon. Cheers! yours Claire & Jeff
    9/16/2011 12:21:29 PM
  • Hille and Kaldi
    Hello Lidija and Ahmed. Thank you for friendly company and nice dives. It was really pleasant to dive with you and we enjoyed every moment. Red Sea is wonderful!! We wish to you and Son Bijou Diving Center, all the best! Perhaps some day we can meet you again. Red Sea fanatics from ESTONIA =)
    8/28/2011 8:44:29 AM
  • Rolf aus Bochum
    Hallo miteinander, hier möchte ich einmal die Tauchschule beurteilen, denn ich kenne sie sehr gut! Von 1997 bis 2008 war ich dort regelmäßig und habe ca. 400 Tauchgänge dort gemacht. Das ich dort nicht mehr tauche, hat nichts mit schlechten Bedingungen zu tun, sondern hat andere Gründe, worauf ich hier aber nicht eingehen möchte. Zu jeder Zeit habe ich bei Son Bijou tolle Tauchtage gehabt, mit Käptän Elefant, alias Mohammed, immer das richtige Riff angefahren. Mohammed war nie etwas zu viel, falls ein Riff zu sehr tangiert war, fand er in Absprache immer ein anderes, was den Tauchgästen entgegen kam. Rundherum kann ich jedem diese Tauchschule bedenkenlos empfehlen, denn auch das persönliche Moment kommt hier nie zu kurz. Viele liebe Grüße von mir an Ahmed-Son
    8/26/2011 11:24:11 AM
  • Josette and Evert
    Hello dear new friends, We wanted to dive in Hurghada. We met some nice Dutch people, became our friends, Bob and Mandy. They introduced us to Son Bijou Diving Center, Achmed & Lidija. My husband had a bad experience at our last dive in Curacao so was pretty nerves to dive again. First dive sinds three years with mr. buddy Achmed, it went great. Achmed is relaxed, takes time with you is a fish in the water. End of holiday we end up with eight beautiful dives. One was at Mars Alam diving with turtels and big ray. Readsea is one big aquarium. So we think this place and country is the best and most beautiful place to dive and Son Bijou is the best divingcenter to join. Actually the best in the world. We now have some new lovely friends and will absolute return. So guy’s go diving when you are in Hurghada with them. Ciao from us Holland / Sweden people Hug and Kiss Josette&Evert
    8/12/2011 11:01:24 AM
  • Antonia & Mike
    Danke! Wir möchten einfach nur Danke sagen! Eine fantastische Tauchschule, wir wurden aufgenommen wie in einer Familie, als würde mansich seit Jahren kennen... Tolle Taucherlebnisse bei einem super tollen Guide (Ahmed), super leckeres Essen, an Bord, wie auch in der Basis, wenn man eingeladen wurde. Wir waren bzw. sind total begeistert und werden ganz bestimmt wieder kommen. Danke Lidija, Ahmed und dem gesamten Tam, für diesen tollen unvergesslichen Tauchurlaub. The German Chicken Antonia & and the the really good english speaker Mike :P
    7/26/2011 2:31:32 AM
  • Marta & Andrzej
    Very nice, family atmosphere. 100% professionalism. Great diving places. Amazing adventure! Recommend it to everyone! Owners of the heart come to dive! Here's all about quality, not quantity! We warmly greet you and always remember the nice time spent with you. Martha and Andrew from Poland -------- Najlepsze centrum nurkowe! 100% profesjonalizmu. Bardzo miła, rodzinna atmosfera. Wspaniałe nurkowiska. Niesamowita przygoda! Polecam każdemu! Właściciele z sercem podchodzą do nurkowania! Tu liczy się jakość, nie ilość! Marta i Andrzej z Polski
    7/24/2011 1:25:06 PM
  • Franziska
    Dear Lidija and sharky Ahmed. I miss you so much, I count the days til I am back. Thanks for all: fantastic dives, dolphins, turtels, fun, food and all your help. Your new roof from the diving center is fantastic, I want to rent flat again from you. Greetings to Khaleed and I hope he will go with me to aquapark.
    7/24/2011 8:00:31 AM
  • Andi
    the best diving center from Hurghada. Lots of experience for diving especially with children. Every day another dive place, lots of turtels and dolphins and lot of fun. The food is very good. I come back
    7/24/2011 7:53:20 AM
  • Karin
    Dear Lidija, hi Ahmed, thank you a lot for our nice holiday in your diving center. We enjoyed the time and we come back, sure. We want to rent flat from you again and we want to see turtels, dolphins and shark again. Take care for you
    7/24/2011 7:47:49 AM
  • Rahel
    Ich bin wirklich froh diese Tauschule gefunden zu haben. Das Equipment ist Klasse und sicheres Tauchen wird hier sehr groß geschrieben.Ahmed ist auch immer sehr bemüht an Orte zu fahren wo nicht so viele andere Taucher sind.Man kommt in eine sehr herzliche familäre Atmosphäre und fühlt sich von Anfang an sehr wohl. Man möchte am liebsten gar nicht mehr heim. Als ich dort war waren sehr viele Deutsche u. holländische Taucher da.Etliche von ihnen kommen seit Jahren immer wieder zu Ahmed und Lydia. Auch ich werde im Oktober wieder kommen. Kann es kaum erwarten ;-) Bis bald
    7/12/2011 11:33:17 AM
  • Bob Groene
    We are coming in 6 days and i can't wait to see that bloody egypt achmed:) i like to dive at a dive school where they have personal contact and love for the see.best regards to you all
    7/11/2011 9:28:41 AM
  • The Dutch family!
    We are just writing to say thank you for great diving in April. You all made us feel very welcome and made the diving really fun and enjoyable. Thank you also for all Egyptian breakfasts & dinners, it was delicious. We will definitely be recommending you to our friends. best regards from crazy Holland divers :)
    5/8/2011 12:57:45 AM
  • Jani
    Hi Lidija & Ahmed, I did intro dive with you, I like it so much I started with courses. I'm very, very HAPPY I did my PADI Open Water with you guys & also finished Advanced. Ahmed, you are the best!!! Professional & experienced dive team, I loved different diving places & food on the boat & all the fun we had. Lidija, thank you for taking care of us under & above water and your great company! For sure I'll come back with my family and friends, because YOUR DIVING CENTER IS THE BEST! best wishes, Jani
    5/5/2011 7:16:49 AM
    Ahmed, Lidija: Alles schick! Ich will zurück!!!!!! Schöne Tage! Klasse Urlaub! VIELEN DANK. Beste Grüße in das sonnige Hurghada, Peter the chicken diver 2010
    3/17/2011 3:58:41 AM
  • Tanja
    Draga Lidija in Ahmed, hvala za še en nepozaben dopust!!! Potapljali smo se z delfini, želvami, mantami, v Marsa Alamu z OGROMNIMI želvami! Organizacija in potopi fantastični, 'service' pa tudi :) Če želite nekaj ekstra za svoj denar ste na pravem nasloveu! Se vidimo kmalu. vajina Tanja & Igor
    3/17/2011 3:37:29 AM
  • Tanja
    Draga Lidija in Ahmed, hvala za še en nepozaben dopust!!! Potapljali smo se z delfini, želvami, mantami, v Marsa Alamu z OGROMNIMI želvami! Organizacija in potopi fantastični, 'service' pa tudi :) Če želite nekaj ekstra za svoj denar ste na pravem nasloveu! Se vidimo kmalu. vajina Tanja & Igor
    3/17/2011 3:37:24 AM
  • Thomas
    Hallo Ahmed! Ich tauche seit 16 Jahren in Ägypten bei Euch! Tolle Betreuung an Land und auf/unter Wasser. Super bei Euch. Letztes Jahren, dieses Jahr! Wir kommen wieder, keine Frage! Beste Grüße in das sonnige Hurghada, chicken Thomas und Family :o
    3/2/2011 3:04:23 AM
  • Daniela - Grüße aus Dresden
    ALLES Tip-Top :) Ahmed und Lidija, Super Service, nettes Team, freundliche Dive-Buddys, WEITER SO! Liebe Grüße, Daniela
    2/28/2011 12:32:11 PM
  • The Øverbye family from Norway
    Really nice HP! Longing for som fun time with all of you in the divesenter, you are the best.See you soon xxx from all of us.
    2/13/2011 11:02:17 PM
  • Gabi from ENGLAND
    It was awesome time, ideal weather, ideal staff (Ahmed & Khaled), ideal dives with dolphins, turtles,...IT WAS GREAT TIME! Miss ALL of you...Coming back sOOOOOOOn! yours Gabi
    2/2/2011 2:38:31 AM
  • Lene og Lars
    thank yor for a great time in Hurghada :) Looking forward to see you all again :) Lene & Lars
    1/30/2011 9:37:18 AM
  • Peter
    Hallo Ahmed, ich hoffe Dir geht es gut. Halte durch - ich komme wieder. Gruß an alle. Peter
    1/28/2011 4:21:01 PM
  • christiane huscher
    good work,nice homepage.....greetings to all...
    1/25/2011 6:30:17 AM
  • Charlotte Knoblauch (Chicken diver)
    Hello Ahmed. Really nice HP, you have upgradet it perfectly. BTW, to all of you - The Son Bijou diving center, is the best place in the world to spend your vecation. :) They are so king, and funny, and if you go there, it will be the best vecation ever! Greetings to all of you. See you SOON, AGAIN! Hugs and Kisses From DENMARK!
    1/22/2011 7:19:24 AM
  • Kerstin and Volker Pfaff
    Very, very nice new homepage! Gratulations!
    1/21/2011 5:08:39 AM
  • Kerstin and Volker Pfaff
    Very, very nice new homepage! Gratulations!
    1/21/2011 5:08:39 AM
  • Katkot
    Well ,done with the HP @ Patrick , Lidija , Ahmed & CO. But i have i problem , i cannot scroll down the complete page , to watch all the photos , from " About us " ( for example ) At Martina , the picture stop , but is see there is also someone else below ! ? Or this is a mistake from my Laptop. But the HP's getting really beautiful . Especially the guestbook. Your Katrin
    1/21/2011 4:28:30 AM
  • michael
    hey everybody good looking page :D keep up the good work greetings to you all
    1/21/2011 3:03:03 AM
  • shark Ahmed
    WELCOME! Share your Memories with Us! your Ahmed BIJOU
    1/21/2011 2:40:04 AM
  • Lisbeth Honningsvåg
    Hi :) You know that i LOVE the page and i love you tooo <3 Here in Norway it is cold. And I just want to travel to the heat and dive with you. :D Miss you <3
    1/21/2011 1:50:54 AM

Code check

Emil Karath
Professional team, friendly staff, delicious food. They took us to good dive sites with professional dive guides. Hope to dive together again soon.
4/22/2023 8:48:08 AM
Bettina Krohn
Super fantastic diving center in Hurghada Review of New Son Bijou Diving Center. Super fantastic diving center. Took the deep dive cource, had an outside instructor competent, who had his 40th anniversary as a diver. It is always a pleasure to be on Bijou's boat. The chef makes super nice food. The crew are very helpful and always in a good mood. Lidija responsible for booking is quick with an answer if there are questions regarding. courses and prices. I dived with various guides and I got to see a lot. Felt pressure and in good hands on all my dives. An all-through super diving center I can clearly recommend. Thanks for a great week New Son Bijou. See you in February Date of Experience: October 2019 Super fantastisk dykkercenter i Hurghada Anmeldelse af New Son Bijou Diving Center Afventer anmeldelse Super fantastisk dykkercenter. Tog deep dive cource, havde en yders kompetent instruktør, der havde 40 års jubilæum som dykker. Det er altid en fornøjelse at være på Bijous båd. Kokken laver super dejlig mad. Besætningen er meget hjælpsomme og altid i godt humør. Lidija der står for booking er hurtig med et svar, hvis der er spørgsmål vedr. kurser og priser. Jeg dykkede med forskellige guider og jeg fik set en masse. Følte mig tryk og i gode hænder på alle mine dyk. Et helt igennem super dykkercenter jeg klart kan anbefale. Tak for en fantastisk uge New Son Bijou. Vi ses i febuar️ Dato for oplevelse: oktober 2019
10/20/2019 11:07:38 AM
Gintaras Gudziunas
I love New Son Bijou, this wonderful family Diving Center and the people who care about him.
4/4/2018 2:45:33 AM
Nigel Stroud
Club Chairman
Llwchwr Sub Aqua club had a great time in November 2017, the club booked a week of diving and the centre made us feel welcome. All the guys on the boat, just FAB. We are looking at booking again next year when the Christmas club events are over... Thanks again for a great week.. Nigel Club Chairman.
12/3/2017 3:34:37 AM
craig trousdale
hope to see you in october for my first time diving in Hurghada.
8/28/2016 2:50:33 PM
Mia og Pia Thrige
TO be honest...I dont how many times my daughter and I have been going on diving trips with you Guys at Son Bijou.. but it many times :D Mia is Rescue diver - only 14 years old- Im Open Water - will be Advanced in November 2016. Thanks Ahmed for all the amazing adventures Under Water. We will keep coming back...year after year after year..:D
7/20/2016 11:31:24 PM
Louise & Bettina from Denmark
My girlfriend and I had two amasing weeks with NSB in late April 2016. The diving is done very professionally and they focus a lot upon each guest's special requests and comfort - one day the boat was a bit crowded, and another boat was quickly arranged for to give each diver more space. If you're a new diver, or if it's been a long time since last dive, Ahmed is very good at taking it slow, to make sure you feel comfortable. And then they arrange for Egyptian breakfast every morning - NICE falafel, thanx Ahmed 😉 Apart from the diving you can count on getting help with almost everything on your holiday. Lidija glues it all together at the office. Great job😊 All of the fantastic staff do their best to make you feel welcome, comfortable, enjoy your diving MAX and just give you that "fantastic-holiday-feeling". I can only recommend this divecenter. And we'll definitely come back! Louise - SDI divemaster
6/24/2016 8:30:44 AM
huygens jean-marie
good dive center go to nice place tres bon centre va sur de tres beaux sites bonne equipe et recommande le centre
5/24/2016 3:26:38 AM
Mark Vagn Hansen
Rescue diver
The best divingcenter in egypt
5/16/2016 3:19:21 AM
Un grand merci pour la semaine du 23/11 au 28/11/2015 superbe plongee equipe au top Hamed son epouse et le petit Adam tous tres sympa ,j'ai hate de retourner novembre 2016 .je recommande ce centre .Merci djamel
1/6/2016 4:00:06 AM
Marianne from Belgium Brussel
Thank's - Merci
1er séjour en Egypte et 1ère initiation plongée bouteille. MERCI d'avoir oté mon stress par les explications claires, par les consignes de sécurité. Un plongeur confirmé pour une personne qui teste, qui s'initie. TOUT est mis en oeuvre pour que la sécurité soit optimale, pour que cette initiation se passe dans les meilleures conditions, pour que cette 1ère fois ne soit pas la dernière. Journée du 27/08/2015
9/15/2015 1:20:16 PM
Kari Elise Jørgensen
We have now been with New Son Bijou 4 times since our first meeting in August 2014. My husband got his Advance and I got both Open water and Advance. We will be back again end june, and hopefully again and again. Lidija and Ahmed tks for another lovely time in the Red Sea with you and your crew :) If you want a divingcenter that feels safe, you like to get new friends from all over the world, this is the place. And their Facebookpage is followed nearly everyday from back home just to look forward to our next trip :)
4/5/2015 10:43:50 PM
Kari Elise Jørgensen
We have now been with New Son Bijou 4 times since our first meeting in August 2014. My husband got his Advance and I got both Open water and Advance. We will be back again end june, and hopefully again and again. Lidija and Ahmed tks for another lovely time in the Red Sea with you and your crew :) If you want a divingcenter that feels safe, you like to get new friends from all over the world, this is the place. And their Facebookpage is followed nearly everyday from back home just to look forward to our next trip :)
4/5/2015 10:43:20 PM
Vesna Vujinovic from Serbia
I just came back from a week of diving in Hurgada. New Son Bijou diving center was amazing. They are friendly, professional and take care of divers. Service was above expectation, for recomendation. Ahmed, Lidija and the rest of the team was excellent, helpful and fun. Their little son Adam is adorable :) Looking forward to dive with them in a future.
12/15/2014 10:06:20 AM
Kari Elise Jørgensen
Happy trip
We have been in Hurghada 2-4 times a year since 2008, my husband dives and I have several times been thinking about taking the courses, but it has been just one introdive and the rest snorkeling. I am shore we have found our divingcenter now and I am shore we will use New Son Bijou for all futhure boatrips and divingtrips in Hurghada. I will for shore take my course one day, and it will be in this diving senter. Apllaude for no high music and the possibility to just enjoy the time at the sea and for those who was diving, the possibility to sleep after the first dive. Such a good feeling for safty and welcome, we just loved Adam the little son. Good food, and this is the first time we have been offered breakfast aboard. I will tell all my friends and people that are going to Hurghada to use your company for shore:) Hope to enjoy a new trip in october :)
8/16/2014 9:38:41 PM
Hallo ihr Lieben! Wir sind nächste Woche wieder bei Euch und wir freuen uns sehr Euch wieder zu sehnen! Ahmed soll schon mal die Flaschen füllen denn ich werde mein PADI ADVANCED COURSE dann machen! Viele Liebe Grüße Heiko
7/21/2014 6:33:14 AM
28 °C
Hurghada, Egypt
Local time: 7:11 AM

Sign our GuestBook
New SON BIJOU Diving Center
Red Sea, Hurghada, EGYPT
Location: close to Triton Empire hotel,
Hilton PLAZA hotel & Arabia Azur hotel

Mobile:  (+20) 12 822 188 56 (Lidija)
Tel:         (+20) 122 3245 296 (Ahmed)
E-mail:    info@newsonbijou.com
Viber, WhatsApp: 
(+20) 12 822 188 56
Location: see map
 Facebook:  Join our group
Visitor Number: 3041800

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